Monday 4 January 2016

Editing The Northern Echo: The bald facts

I get a mention in today's Northern Echo. As it is nearly 23 years since I left the editor's chair in the North-East, I really appreciate being remembered at all. When I was told this morning I was featured in the paper, I wondered if it might be a recollection of the campaigns, the awards, the redesign, the introduction of colour, the hands-on management or the robust editorials. But, typically, it wasn't any of these ... it was just for the fact I had less hair aged 34 than the current editor has at 53! Ho hum. Still, it's nice to be remembered at all. I think.

Today is the 17th anniversary of editor Peter Barron taking over the job. A big congratulations to him. I did it for almost four years and it was great fun - but hard work, long hours and there were huge pressures. Peter's tenure has been far more difficult than mine and he has ridden the tiger with dexterity and with his trademark sense of humour intact. He also still has far more hair than he should have. Well done Peter. Up there with Evans and Stead.

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